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Market-Oriented Dairy
Sri Lanka
Empowering Dairy Business
A United States Department of Agriculture ‘Food for Progress’ Program Funded Project
Who We Are
Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project, based in Sri Lanka, is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) ‘Food for Progress’ initiative and implemented by Improving Economies for Stronger Communities (IESC), a Washington, DC-based not-for-profit organization.
The project aims to double the milk production of participating dairy farmers and enable them to obtain a higher price premium for fresh milk through interventions primarily designed to enhance their technical knowledge and create an entrepreneurial, business-oriented mindset. The project also supports enterprises along the dairy value chain to meet the demands of the country’s dairy sector to catalyze a sustainable growth.
The project's sub-partners are University of Florida (UF), Sarvodaya, Global Dairy Platform (GDP) and Small Enterprises Assistance Funds (SEAF).
© 2018